30 Boarders But No Division
Our starting point was to look into cultural, social and functional everyday borders. We are always confronted with a border and if we choose not to follow any rules, we are incidentally approached by a border.
Choosing your own pathway is so much easier said than done. As the piece progresses, you’ll see how the performers learn to love and accept differences through interaction and games. Knowing that their own skin, culture and personality makes them notable, this can set them free of any border imposed onto them.
30 Borders But No Divisions
Choreography: Alleyne Dance
Music Design: Sadé Alleyne
Music References:
Song: Imbalance
Album: Temporal
Composer: Julia Kent
Song: Unfold
Album: Ólafur Arnalds
Composer: Ólafur Arnalds
Song: Conditional Futures
Album: Temporal
Composer: Julia Kent
Song: Grupo Ofá
Album: Oriki Orixá Exú
Composer: Félix Omidiré
Song: Una
Album: Utopia
Composer: Murcof
Song: Elevated
Album: Where Dreams Begin
Composer: Secession Studios